My first day of school went well. Since this is my first time back in a class room in over 25 years, there are many new things.
The last time I was in a classroom there were no cell phones, no laptops, no internet. Back in my day, if a student propped their Converse-clad tootsies on the table-top, the teacher would have promptly walked over and pushed them off. Nowadays, not only is it okay for the student to do so, the teacher leads the charge.
Another thing about going back to school after 25 years is this whole internet driven world. Back in my day only rich kids had home computers and there was no such thing as internet. Shoot, phones were still attached to cords & walls. Now here we are in the 21st century and the class syllabus, schedule and other class-related information is apparently available on the internet before the first warm-bodies-sitting-in-the-classroom day. For me this meant that there was an assignment due that first day. Ha! Who knew? Obviously, not I.
Thankfully, our instructor gave grace and allowed us to turn the assignment in during the next class. He did seem pretty pleased with himself as he smugly announced the assignment, though, which rubbed me a little, being as how he's all of 13. He said something like, "I know none of you checked this, so I'm ready to receive complaints, but there was an assignment due today." The one comfort I took in my ignorance of such a new-fangled approach was that, apparently all these internet savvy, young whippersnappers were as surprised as I was by this already-due assignment. Ha!
In case you're wondering what course I'm taking, it's a public speaking class. And yes, only one class. I figure one class is pretty ambitious seein' as how I homeschool three of my little birdies, seven of our eight are still in the nest and I'd like to get a passing grade.
Upon hearing that I'm taking a public speaking class, those who know me will probably be all like, "WHY in the world are you taking a public speaking class?" Explaining that dynamic gets a little complicated and weird because, while I totally get why they'd ask that: I'm a decent communicator, straight shooter and generally speak my mind. The thing is, that's not always-in-all-situations the case. Without going into the dirty-laundry portion of my life, I'll simply say I'm on a journey to find my voice again. And there is a part of me that sees this class as a baby step in that direction. Even still, it's so much more than that for me.
And the whole process is thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. I'm doing my homework and (barely) remembering to go to class (hey, it's been over 25 years), and thoroughly enjoying my new venture. I'm thinking and wondering weeks in advance, what will I give my first speech on? I'm exhilarated, excited and generally thrilled with a side of terrified.
Then I attend last Thursday's class, a teaching on visual aids, and learn we will be graded on our appropriate usage of visual aids in every speech we give. >Gasp!<
Hey, I can talk, I can give a speech, I'm even a fairly decent actor. Plus, I'm not generally given to stage fright. But use visual aids? Is he high? Do I look like I can walk and chew gum at the same time?
I'm immediately sobered from my I'm-a-butterfly-about-to-emerge-from-her-cocoon-and-flyyyyy!!! stupor and thrust into maybe-I'm-just-gonna-be-a-plain-old-moth zone.
Visual aids. Who's stupid idea were those any way? Pppffftttt!
My one saving grace may be the fact that my professor says not all speeches call for visual aids, which is why he said we'd be graded on our, "appropriate use of visual aids." Cool! Great! Sign me up for whatever topic does NOT need visual aids. Either that, or maybe I could do a speech on the proper care and use of crayons, markers and poster board.